Silence Speaks NYC
Traditional Hypnosis for Life Success
A lack of confidence can impact your lifetime achievements. Conversely, a lack of success in life can lower your self-esteem. Why can’t life be less painful? As it turns out, our minds cannot refrain from dwelling on similar thought patterns. Especially in our darkest hours. After all, humans have strengths and weaknesses.
Clearly, we all crave allies and positive rewards more than loneliness and punishment. But then, why doesn’t the mind act more as an ally? What makes us human is just a part of the whole picture. For example, confidence and success are goals we can enjoy achieving. But to achieve them, we still need to figure out a better way to deal with pain and negative thinking. That is where hypnosis comes into play.
Hypnosis explained
Hypnosis is a waking state of relaxed, focused consciousness. Notably, you can contact a hypnotist for an online session that happens in real time. Or for learning self-hypnotism. In the former case, the hypnotist facilitates a self-hypnotic state. In the latter one, the hypnotist acts as a coach and creates a recording for you to use every time you need it.
As a whole, hypnotism is widely misunderstood. Often, people see stage hypnotists and think that hypnosis is some kind of voodoo or hocus pocus. Likewise, other people believe that hypnosis is mind control. Well, it is not. The hypnotist cannot force you to think, say, or do anything against your will. Under hypnosis, you in complete control of yourself.
After the first session, most people are surprised at just how awake and alter they feel under hypnosis. In fact, many say that being under hypnosis is a familiar feeling. For some, hypnosis is a blissful state that reminds them of when reading an enthralling book. Going in and out of this mental state resembles in part what hypnosis is.
The three main components that distinguish the hypnotic state from the standard waking state are:
- a heightened sense of concentration while absorbed in the stream of consciousness
- the progressive relaxation of each muscle resulting in a feeling of deep relaxation
- increased sensory awareness involving all your five senses, used in conjunction with visualization
In detail, hypnosis is a state that lets you access your subconscious mind. That is, the part of your mind that works behind the scenes and influences your decision-making process and behavior. At the same time, our subconscious is responsible for emotion and automatic systems such as breathing. By contrast, our conscious mind deals with making rational decisions. This part of ourselves likes to judge, discern, and weigh information.
Most clients seek hypnosis to help them make a change that will bring improvement in their life. For clarity, hypnosis bypasses the conscious mind to bring you to the subconscious state. And your imagination and attention are all that it takes to relax and slow down your brain waves, thus accessing your subconscious.
Hypnosis is a safe, resourceful state that you can enter and leave anytime. That is why you can enjoy a hypnotic session at your home without having to leave for the hypnotist’s office. Even if the internet connection drops out of service randomly, you will be aware of the issue. So, you will reorient yourself to the room and open your eyes whenever you want.
The power of the subconscious mind
The subconscious mind operates full-time within your life. Since we were born, it holds the key to why we never moved past our limits. In fact, subconscious play is so powerful that destructive patterns are nothing more than instructions for the subconscious mind.
Here is how the relationship between the conscious and subconscious works. The conscious mind implants ideas and impressions into the subconscious mind at all times. As a result, the subconscious accepts all information from the conscious mind via the three main channels:
- thoughts
- feelings
- imagination
These two elements of our mind interact in a straightforward fashion. In other words, the subconscious is always receiving information. More importantly, it accepts any information automatically without questioning it.
In the first nine years of life, our subconscious programming or defaults are set. This means that we form our belief system in our childhood and then develop behaviors that reflect those values. Usually, we never question our upbringing and childhood lifestyle. And because of that, we can trace some old negative beliefs and identify many problems in our current lives.
Luckily, we can become conscious creators of our life circumstances. Of course, this does not mean that you need to control everything around you. But you should take good care of what you think, feel, and imagine each and every day. Because if you are not doing that, you allow other things outside of you to control your mindset and future.
With hypnosis, we can see the desired outcome in our mind’s eye. Your vision for your future becomes an open door to your goals and dreams. So, all you need to do is find the right way to align the conscious and subconscious. In detail, this process entails direct communication with your subconscious mind.
Too many times in our life, we are our own worst enemy. Too many times, we beat ourselves up or talk down about ourselves. Often, we end up sabotaging our success. Even before we give ourselves permission to try something new and different for positive change. Hypnosis is a safe and effective way to stop negative thinking and worries that hinder us. There are no side effects, and it can really make you more successful.
Change Your Mind – Change Your Brain – Change Your Behavior
In his book, Bruce Lipton, Ph. D., explains that our consciousness looks at our genes and adjusts itself to fit our vision of the world. In brief, the professor at Wisconsin University and Stanford University Schools of Medicine implies that if you have a negative vision of the world, the negative chemistry in your body comes forth. Or, in his words, “intelligence shapes biology.”
Thoughts of fears and stress hormones are factors that regulate the complex network of cells and proteins that defends our bodies. In detail, they shut it down, making you feel bad or worse. After all, fear and stress put you in protection mode. So, you wall yourself off.
Dr. Lipton also writes that we can change our consciousness to change our biology. All of a sudden, we can become masters of our genetics and not just be victims. But if people feel they are victims, the consciousness that controls the genetic expression will reflect that. The function of the mind is to make coherence between your beliefs and your reality.
From Dr. Lipton’s research, we learn that subconscious programming starts five months before birth. After that, the environment in which we live influences us until we are nine years old. But we can change our behavior and thought patterns and experience positive results.
Through self-hypnosis, you reduce brain waves from Alpha to Theta. In this relaxed state of mind, you can bypass the subconscious programming and rewrite your behavior. You rewire your brain via positive suggestions to initiate the cell response that makes you change. Finally, you can focus more on how you want to be and leave the old you in the past.
In summary, your vision of the world determines chemistry, which in turn determines genetic activity. Simply put, your thoughts are manifesting not just your interior life expression but also your behavior. The latter one then influences your life in the outside world.
Getting started with hypnosis for life success
Requesting a hypnotic session with Silence Speaks is easy. First, you should think about the best time that works for you. In fact, you will need 2 hours total for your first session.
The next step is to speak with the hypnotist about your desired goal. So, the focus should be on what you would like to achieve. Instead, most people focus on the issue, which is not helpful at this stage.
Through hypnotic techniques, the hypnotist will guide you to go into a trance-like state. At no point during this procedure, you fall asleep. In fact, hypnosis is not about rebooting your brain with brand-new instructions. You will start a journey.
Solving one problem at a time
You will improve your life and self-esteem by overcoming challenges on your path. The following are some of the issues you can deal with by using hypnosis.
If you decided to stop smoking but have trouble quitting, hypnosis can lead to new perspectives. In this case, hypnotism works with smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco. But also for giving up vaporizers and nicotine supplements which should be temporary substitutes only.
Even if you have had no health scare, you can turn to hypnosis for positive suggestions. During the pleasant state known as hypnosis, my goal as a hypnotist is to deliver the proper motivation at the right time. As a result, you will regain self-control.
Fitness related challenges, including weight management and eating habits
Weight loss, healthy eating, and snacking
When you enter an altered state of mind, you are more suggestible. So, you can shape your identity for the greater good. In turn, your behavior changes. As a result, improving appearance and managing your weight become less tricky.
The goal of these sessions is to help you learn better ways to deal with your needs. In fact, hypnosis does not change your metabolism. But you will benefit from better eating habits which lead to sticking with healthier diets and lifestyles.
Boredom eating and emotional eating
If your food cravings are just a substitute for something else in your life, hypnotic techniques adjust to set yourself free from them. By engaging your mind with new creative ideas, better solutions fully absorb you. Plus, I will teach you mindfulness exercises to overcome your impetuous urges.
You will develop new associations and think of food as just a source of nutrients. Of course, we will deal with your emotions as well.
Fitness and exercise motivation
Self-hypnosis can condition you to have more exercise motivation. In detail, you can achieve a blissful state anytime you want to set better goals in the future. A positive association between exercising and getting in shape will make you feel carefree and appreciative of your workout hours.
Thanks to the self-hypnotic techniques I can teach you, you can improve your self-image. For example, by seeing yourself becoming fitter and healthier in your mind’s eye. With just your imagination, you can create excitement and happiness within you as you follow a balanced workout schedule.
Curbing the intake of sugar
Sugar cravings can lead to health problems. But that knowledge may not stop you from craving sugar, candies, or chocolate. With hypnosis, you can reframe the meaning of drinking sweet sodas to use it as a circuit breaker. Or you can feel relief without resorting to negative self-talk. You can curb the intake of sugar and still be glad about it!
Eating disorders
As a hypnotist, I do not provide counseling or health care. But with the referral of a qualified medical practitioner, using hypnosis to regain a positive mental attitude is possible. So, I can help you manage the stress that comes with medical treatments or medications.
Eating disorder recovery can be tough on some people. Luckily, hypnotism provides a set of strategies to help you deal with your motivation and determination.
Fears and insecurities
Self-confidence can reduce the amount of daily stress. In part, believing in yourself handles the nerves by giving you insights. When you allow yourself to control the situation, you begin noticing all the things you can influence. Perhaps, you might discover unknown weaknesses that you need to address. But as a result, you will identify new skills you need to learn and speed up the following learning process.
Fear about one’s ability to perform a specific task
If the thought of failing is what disturbs you, you might hate criticism. Or being judged by specific persons. Maybe, you do not want to betray your parents’ or partner’s expectations. But you might also be unaware of the actual cause.
By following the hypnotic instructions, you can calm your mind. Thus ending the stress response, which makes you feel awful. From then on, you will be free to deal with the chief reasons behind your fear and come up with a solution.
Common fears
As a negative emotion, fear lowers your energy and makes your breath shallow. Literally, fright changes the way you stand and act. So, the purpose of these hypnotic sessions is to let go of any unhelpful response. As well as making you more optimistic about future events.
Hypnosis is effective for handling most common fears. For example, the fear of:
- animals like snakes, spiders, and insects
- dentistry
- driving in general (or on highways, over bridges, or in tunnels)
- elevators
- flying
- heights
- hypochondria
- needles
- night
- riding the train
- public speaking and stage fright
Managing rational and emotional states
Racing thoughts and mental preoccupation
You do not have to be so hard on yourself. Whether you lost a partner or contemplate worst-case scenarios, you can interrupt the negative cycle. More importantly, hypnosis gives you the time for a refreshing mental recharge.
At times, racing thoughts can make you sad and nervous. But that only happens because you cannot harness the power of your creative side. Through self-hypnotic techniques, your apprehension will go away.
Mental clarity and peace of mind
Mental clarity is achieved through guided imagery and relaxation. For a change, positive thoughts will keep you company during the session. Later, you will experience peace of mind and clarity. Bit by bit, you will learn to overcome your mental hardship.
Sometimes, the mind wanders in search of answers. This pursuit can wear you down. Until the quest is fulfilled, you experience no relief. In this case, a state of hypnosis lets you find explanations and solutions to any problem that is bugging you.
Improving your mental focus for a positive attitude
Positive thinking is a skill that no many of us learn before adulthood. On top of that, poor parenting can impact our attitude towards studying and other essential skills. As a result, we tend to focus on the negative aspect of reality.
When you accept a more positive attitude, your world changes colors. Maybe, you know how love can make everything better. Well, hypnosis lays the foundations for a more focused and buoyant version of yourself.
Anger is the most common antecedent of losing patience. Similarly, perseverance bestows precious fruits only to those who can keep calm. Also, fortitude depends on a still mind. Otherwise, you will succumb to temptation, provocations, or cajolery.
For the best results, you can integrate hypnosis with meditation techniques for an empowering experience. After a series of sessions, you will start paying attention to your emotions and master them one by one.
Better control of emotions
Managing your state is the key to success and confidence. In brief, when you have better control of your positive and negative emotions, you feel complete. After all, you know your triggers and how they affect your life.
For every emotion, you can work out better ways they can serve you. In fact, hypnotism dedicates a good part of the hypnotic session to managing emotions. This means that you can increase your emotional intelligence through hypnosis.
Performance enhancement
Artistic performance and auditions
Musicians and actors live off their creativity. Of course, the relationship between the self and the artistic process can become troublesome. So, many artists pick up bad habits and a pessimistic outlook. In the past, superstition sparked many traditions that we still find in theaters to this day.
With hypnosis, you can stop relying on fickle fortune. Instead, you learn to focus your mind and hone your artistic skills and talents. At the same time, you can become more persuasive and win more auditions. Mainly thanks to self-confidence and creative thinking.
Athletic performance and sports enhancement
You may have heard of famous athletes turning to hypnosis to improve their performance. Indeed, hypnotists can inculcate the capacity for self-hypnosis and help you achieve better results. Especially when it comes to:
- baseball (become a better pitcher or batsmen)
- billiards (for better concentration for accurate predictions)
- darts (improve dart-throwing accuracy)
- golf (remain in high spirits even if you hit a bunker)
- gymnastics (promote balance and co-ordination)
- karate (reach the next rank and master any kata)
- racing (for better reactivity and effective decision-making)
- running (improve your speed)
- softball (for better teamwork and batting average)
- tennis (be in the zone and more aces)
- wrestling (come up with creative finishing moves)
Professional achievement, interviews, and selling
Hypnosis helps you become more successful because it is about communication. To be precise, a hypnotist uses the right words to lead people into a resourceful state. There, clients can unlock their potential and find new ways to express themselves.
In the professional world, the stakes can get very high. So, most people forget how to enjoy their job. Even when what they do comes completely natural to them. Of course, beginners have the opposite problem. In fact, they lack the experience to do everything right. Hypnosis helps you deal with this lack of balance. Above all, it lets you become more persuasive and high achieving.
Academic performance
Perhaps, you have trouble learning subjects you do not like. Your study skills and memory retention may seem inadequate. By combining self-help techniques and hypnosis, you can get better grades.
At any level, school is about learning how to learn. For whatever subject you face, you need to figure out how to understand the basics. And possibly, master its logic.
Better learning strategies equal an easier college life. Later, they will help you in your career. So, enhancing your perspective on studying is a clever choice anyone can enjoy.
Staying motivated is critical to achieving success. No matter what your goals in your life, procrastination can be a dangerous hindrance. A lack of motivation can ruin your work life, fitness resolutions, and social activities.
Distractions can divide your attention and reduce performance. But unwavering motivation will keep your eyes on the prize. During hypnotic sessions, we may anticipate bumps along the road to success and find new solutions. There are many techniques and strategies for increasing self-motivation.
Social comfort
If you never leave your comfort zone, you may end up missing great opportunities. For clarity, some people believe in social perfectionism. In other words, if they cannot control every aspect of their communications, they are afraid of appearing awkward or weird.
In reality, confidence and self-esteem belong to a different attitude. Plus, the social aspect is just the tip of the iceberg. Thus, hypnosis allows you to explore new thinking patterns. You will leave your comfort bubble gradually. In some cases, this experience may connect you to a higher purpose in life.
Eliminating bad habits
Nail-biting, skin picking, and hair pulling
Nail-biting can affect your life because many people think it is embarrassing, gross, and disgusting. For nailbiters, the first concern could be infections. But some people cannot stop until it hurts.
Skin picking is bad for you because of the cuts and pain. Sadly, the urge can be overwhelming. Likewise, hair pulling leads to a significant amount of hair loss. But in the end, they are all habits you do impulsively. You do not think about doing them. So, hypnosis helps your brain rewire itself and stop the rhythm of just doing it.
You can experiment with hypnosis to lessen some unpleasant tics like:
- eye blinking
- vocal tics
- nose-twitching
People with Tourette’s syndrome can enter a self-hypnotic state to calm themselves during a hard day. On the bright side, you can use hypnosis to manage situational stress or take a much-needed break. Especially after a long fit.
Tics vex your body and mind. So, you can use hypnotic suggestions to cope with the pain and mental exhaustion. In the same way, positive thinking can help you deal with the sadness and fears that come with losing your independence.
Your conscious mind can get in the way of your natural ability to speak. Sometimes, those words do not come out. But hypnotism can help you realize your potential to overcome stuttering.
Sometimes, it is just easier to let things happen. Speech is one of them. So, hypnosis allows a part of your mind to just turn off to let your ideas flow. In short, you regain self-control by setting yourself free.
You might notice improvements from the first session. For others, it may take a while. But you will surprise yourself.
Frequent hiccups are a nuisance you do not need. But sadly, they might go on for weeks! Often, doctors have several explanations for hiccups. But no matter what the cause is, hypnosis can give you relief.
For one thing, you will achieve deep relaxation. This means that your body will fully relax. Any tension will go away, making it easier for you to breathe fully and deeply.
In case of persistent hiccups, I might refer you to a health assessment. After that, I could suggest ways to deal with the minor issues.
Sleep problems
Do you find it difficult to drift off to sleep? Hypnosis can help you reclaim the peaceful nights you deserve. You can contact me in any of the following cases:
- problems falling and remaining asleep
- you awaken prematurely and/or feel sleepy during the day
- restless nights (you do not feel rested)
- nightmares
- jet lag
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Too many times in our life, we are our own worst enemy. Too many times, we beat ourselves up or talk down about ourselves. Often, we end up sabotaging our success. Even before we give ourselves permission to try something new and different for positive change.
Legal Disclaimer
As a consulting hypnotist, Luis’ role is help you resolve ordinary, everyday problems using hypnosis. He is not a medically trained doctor or a licensed mental health practitioner that can diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure, or heal any physical, mental, or emotional illness. The hypnosis services rendered are not to be considered in any way, a form of health care, psychotherapy, or counseling.